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  • Catholic School Jackson Michigan | St. Mary School | Jackson, Michigan

    Catholic School Jackson Michigan | St. Mary School | Jackson, Michigan CREATING A BRIGHTER FUTURE AND A COMMUNITY OF GROWTH WELCOME TO ST. MARY SCHOOL! Notes from the Principal Elementary School in Jackson, Michigan AN OUTSTANDING PRIVATE, CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SERVING GRADES PREK-6TH At St. Mary School, we’re proud to offer a unique educational experience designed to enhance intellectual growth and promote participatory engagement. Take a look through our site to learn more about us. Learn More Mission & History Academic Programs Parent Res ources

  • Parents | St. Mary's

    Parent information for St. Mary School Jackson Michigan. Get Involved Parents Get Involved We could not be where we are without the amazing support of our parents and volunteers. At St. Mary School, we encourage everyone to get involved in their child’s school programs. We offer a wide selection of volunteer opportunities and parent organizations. Virtus Virtus - Protecting God's Children The Diocese of Lansing mandates all school employees and volunteers who come into contact with students to go through Protecting God’s Children training. The Diocese recognizes this program as the most up-to-date, comprehensive safe environments program available today. This can be done online or at a live training. To complete the training online visit . Once your training is complete, please print your certificate and send in to the school office. All volunteers must also sign a contract known as the “Volunteer’s Code of Conduct” Parent & Teacher Organization The PTO is a group of parents committed to enhancing St. Mary School. Through fundraising efforts, the PTO helps purchase some of the ‘extras’ for the school, provides networking for St. Mary families and appreciation for students and staff. This group has monthly, evening meetings during the school year. To learn more about PTO click HERE. Uniforms While in school the students need to be focused on their job of learning. Uniforms help that focus by eliminating distractions and competition. Dress Code Supply List Click here to view list! Forms Safety Drills

  • Tuition | St. Mary's

    Tuition info for St. Mary School Jackson Michigan. What is Variable Tuition? Variable Tuition adjusts the cost of education based on each family's unique financial situation. This program makes a Jackson Catholic Schools education accessible to families from all income levels, ensuring alignment with our core value to support all families seeking Catholic education. How does Variable Tuition work? Families submit an application through FACTs, a confidential third-party service that evaluates their financial situation, including factors like income, household size, other tuition obligations, debt, and outstanding circumstances. Based on this analysis, families are offered a tuition rate that fits their needs. The goal is to ensure every family has access to an excellent Catholic education, regardless of financial constraints. Who qualifies for Variable Tuition? Any family seeking to enroll their K - 12th grade child in Jackson Catholic Schools is encouraged to apply. Variable Tuition is designed to assist families across a range of financial situations, ensuring a warm and welcoming community for all who wish to join us in our mission. Pre-School Students enrolled in Catholic Schools are NOT eligible for Variable Tuition, as Diocese of Lansing policy requires pre-schools associated with parishes to be self-sustaining and not subsidized by the parish. However, Pre-School tuition is considered when looking at a family’s ability to pay tuition for other children enrolled in our schools, and is a significant consideration in those students’ variable tuition rate. Does applying for Variable Tuition affect admission decisions? No. Admission to Jackson Catholic Schools and Variable Tuition decisions are made independently. All students are evaluated based on their fit with our mission. How do I apply for Variable Tuition? Families complete a secure financial profile through our third-party partner, FACTs, which is now a single-site product for our Student Information Systems, Tuition and Billing, and Variable Tuition process. The application link can be found on each schools’ website. Information sessions and individual support sessions are available for families. Applications are reviewed confidentially, and families who apply by the March 3 deadline are notified of their tuition rate for 2025-2026 by May 15, 2025. What factors are considered in determining Variable Tuition? The third-party service considers a variety of factors, including income, family size, expenses, and other financial obligations, to determine a fair and customized tuition rate. Do I need to apply for Variable Tuition every year? Yes. Because family financial situations can change, Variable Tuition applications must be submitted annually. This ensures tuition rates remain fair and accurate for all families. Are all families required to participate in the Variable Tuition program? No. Families who do not wish to apply for Variable Tuition will pay the full tuition rate. Is there a fee to apply for Variable Tuition? No. We are committed to all families receiving a rate reflective of their unique situation, and want to make the application process easy and accessible. What if our family’s financial situation changes mid-year? ackson Catholic Schools are committed to supporting families during challenging times. If your financial situation changes significantly, please contact the admissions office to discuss possible adjustments. Are there other discounts in addition to the Variable Tuition Rate? There are several options for families to further support their tuition. Outside scholarship: Some organizations, like the Ken Dillon Memorial Scholarship, offer additional support for Catholic school tuition. Those scholarships are generally advertised when available by our schools. DOL Grant and Aid: The Diocese of Lansing has a robust grant and aid program, providing support to Catholic families in the Diocese. Families are automatically eligible for these grants by completing the Variable Tuition Application by March 1. TRIP: Many families use the Tuition Reduction Incentive Program to off-set the cost of tuition. More information can be found in your school’s main office. Families can receive a 2% “paid in full” discount by paying their entire full or Variable tuition by July 1, 2025. The Variable Tuition option replaces any multi-child discount. This reflects that the cost to educate each child is the same, regardless of family size, while reflecting our desire to have Catholic education available to all families. Family size is a consideration in the Variable Tuition application. How can I learn more about Variable Tuition? We’ve created a series of information nights to educate families about variable tuition. Each of these sessions is open to all Jackson Catholic Schools’ current or prospective families: Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 p.m. @ Lumen Christi Thursday, February 6, 12:00 p.m. Zoom (access via this link) Friday, February 7, 8:00 a.m. @ Queen's (Vincentian Hall) Monday, February 10, 7:00 p.m. Zoom (access via this link) Tuesday, February 11, 12:00 p.m. @ St. Mary's Wednesday, February 12, 8:00 a.m. @ St. John Parish Center Tuesday, February 18, 7:00 p.m. @ St. Mary's, Spanish We also have appointments available for individual consultation or support with completing the Variable Tuition application. Please use this link to reserve an appointment time. All appointments are at Lumen Christi Catholic School. More than ever, we invite any family needing support or wanting more information to contact their schools’ Family Partnership Coordinator or Principal for further questions or to begin your application process. Together, we can find the right fit for your family’s needs! Schedule a Tour! There may be no better way to experience the rich array of opportunities that St. Mary School offers your family than to schedule a personal tour. Meet the faculty, staff and students who make up our dynamic St. Mary community. Prospective students and their families are encouraged to visit our school and explore life at St. John's. Please fill out this form with the date and time that works best for your schedule.

  • Catholic School Jackson Michigan | St. Mary School | Enrollment | Jackson, Michigan

    Guided by our Catholic Tradition, we provide the highest quality education and empower students to excel spiritually, intellectually and emotionally.  ENROLLMENT Family Portal Apply Now! Learn More Why Jackson Catholic Schools? Guided by our Catholic Tradition, we provide the highest quality education and empower students to excel spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. PURPOSE When you invest in a Catholic education for your child, no matter their age, you are instilling core values that will guide them for the rest of their life. Beyond the classroom, we help students live full lives of faith, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. KNOWLEDGE Jackson Catholic Schools offers a variety of curricular and extracurricular programs for PreK-12 in a family of schools fit perfectly for you. Your child will be surrounded by dedicated educators, parents and advocates in a nurturing, spiritual and inclusive environment. Elementary School in Jackson, Michigan We pride ourselves on providing high quality, faith-based education that lasts a lifetime. Enroll Today!

  • Curriculum | St. Mary's

    St. Mary School Jackson Michigan - Information for Curriculum Curriculum Academic Philosophy At St. Mary School, we are blessed with the opportunity to teach your child about God’s love for them. Our dedicated faculty and staff focuses attention on each individual child to ensure that he/she masters the academic concepts that are taught each day. Religion Reading English Science Social Studies Mathematics Handwriting Music Art Spanish Library Technology To view the Diocese of Lansing Catholic School Curriculum Standards, click here - Beyond Academics Aside from a top notch education, St. Mary School offers a wide variety of activities and organizations that your child can participate in outside of school. Choir - Grades 3-6 Band - Grade 6 Violins Grades 4-6 Art Club - Grades 3-6 Coding Club - Grades 4-6 All School Christmas Concert All School Spring Concert Church Feast Day/Feast of the Nativity of Mary Celebration Weekly Liturgy- Every Friday Holy Day Liturgy Morning Prayer Service - Monday-Thursday Reconciliation offered weekly Angelus Prayer said Daily at Noon Adoration (First Fridays) Popcorn Fridays (First Fridays) All School Field Trip to St. Joseph Shrine Brooklyn for Stations of the Cross All School Retreat Swim Classes at the Y grades 4-6 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Grades PreK-1 Service Projects- All Grades; Interfaith Shelter, Friendly Home, Jackson Medical Care Facility, Cleaning St. Mary Star of the Sea Church (once a month by grade level) Alter Service Training and participation - Grades 3-6 Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee Science Comes To Life Jackson Recreational Basketball Girls & Boys Grades 4-6 Mileage Club Book Fair Santa Shop Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest Handwriting Contest

  • At a Glance | St. Mary's

    At a Glance - St. Mary School Jackson Michigan in Jackson, Michigan. AT A GLANCE Educational Philosophy: St. Mary's Elementary School provides a Christ-centered environment, focusing on empowering students to excel spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally, while welcoming students of all faiths. Grade Levels and Student Body: The school offers education from Preschool - 6th Grade. Family-Oriented Environment: St. Mary's prides itself on providing a family-oriented atmosphere, enriched with community events, special interest clubs, and sports. Additionally, financial support in the form of scholarships and financial aid is available for families wishing to join the St. Mary community. Location and Contact: St. Mary School is located at 116 East Wesley Street, Jackson, MI 49201, Principal Ms. Nancy O'Neill - contact or 517-784-8111

  • Mission & History | St. Mary's

    St. Mary School Jackson Michigan Mission and History MISSION & VISION The mission of Jackson Catholic Schools is to joyfully cultivate God’s goodness, beauty, and truth. Through our Catholic faith, we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, grow in virtue and intellect, and form our students to lead and serve our communities as saints. Guided by our Catholic tradition, we provide the highest quality education and empower students to excel spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. We inspire them to reach their full potential and be the Light of Christ in this life and for eternity. Through a well-rounded curriculum integrated with the message of Jesus Christ, St. Mary School strives to develop Christian people who will use their unique talents and gifts to recognize God’s goodness, experience the family that is our parish, and seek justice in the world, affirming the presence of Christ in all people. History St. Mary School, located at 116 E. Wesley St. in Jackson, Michigan, has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century. The cornerstone for St. Mary School was laid on June 30, 1889, marking the beginning of its construction. The school was completed later that summer. Initially opened as a secondary school in October 1889, St. Mary School was primarily staffed by the Sisters of Charity from Cincinnati, Ohio. It gained accreditation from the University of Michigan in 1915. By 1950, due to the need for more space to accommodate primary grades, an adjacent building was purchased to expand the school's facilities. Prior to the school's establishment, in 1880, Bishop Caspar Henry Borgess of the Detroit Diocese approved the creation of a second Catholic parish in Jackson, which laid the groundwork for the eventual establishment of St. Mary School. Nowadays, St. Mary School is a co-educational institution offering education from pre-kindergarten through 6th grade. It is affiliated with the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and continues to uphold its Catholic tradition while providing quality education. This overview captures significant milestones in St. Mary School's journey from its inception to its present-day standing as a notable educational institution in Jackson, Michigan.

  • TRIP | St. Mary's

    St. Mary School Jackson Michigan TRIP information. Tuition Reduction Incentive Program T.R.I.P What Is T.R.I.P? T.R.I.P. is a great way to reduce your tuition bill by doing your everyday shopping. T.R.I.P is issued in the form of gift cards that can be used just like cash to purchase everyday essentials like food, clothing or gas. All families are encouraged and welcome to participate in T.R.I.P. Order Form How It Works? Orders may be placed online, sent with your student, or placed in the office. Orders are due by 8:00 am every Thursday. Families receive credit in May for the following school year. Credit bought at Lumen Christi can be transferred to any catholic elementary school, including St. Mary School. After the order has been placed, please pick it up from the office between 8 am and 3 pm. Payment by check or cash must accompany each order. Checks must be made payable to St. Mary for the full cash value of the order. Orders must be picked up by an authorized adult; they will not be sent home with a student. Participating families receive most of the credit total and a small percent is kept for administrative costs. Discount percentages are established by participating merchants and are subject to change at any time. Therefore, orders are subject to the discount percentage in effect at the time the order is placed. Credits are applied to the tuition agreement in December and June. Cash refunds are not given for any reason. In the event that school is cancelled due to weather, orders will be available the next day school is in session. On-Hand TRIP On-hand TRIP is sold on a first-come, first-serve basis in the school office from 8 am to 3 pm while school is in session. Terms and Conditions Please read descriptions carefully as orders may not be returned or exchanged. St. Mary is not liable for any lost or missing certificates. Although students may bring orders to school, for safety purposes, absolutely no orders will be sent home with students.

  • Faith | St. Mary's | Jackson, Michigan

    The Diocese of Lansing mandates all school employees and volunteers who come into contact with students to go through Protecting God’s Children training. The Diocese recognizes this program as the most up-to-date, comprehensive safe environments program available today. This can be done online or at a live training. To complete the training online visit Once your training is complete, please print your certificate and send in to the school office. FAITH Hail Mary Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen The Lord's Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen Weekly All School Mass Adoration Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Retreats Daily Prayer Student Led Morning Prayer VIRTUS Protecting God's Children The Diocese of Lansing mandates all school employees and volunteers who come into contact with students to go through Protecting God’s Children training. The Diocese recognizes this program as the most up-to-date, comprehensive safe environments program available today. This can be done online or at a live training. To complete the training online visit . Once your training is complete, please print your certificate and send in to the school office. All volunteers must also sign a contract known as the “Volunteer’s Code of Conduct”

  • Preschool | St. Mary's

    Preschool at St. Mary School Jackson Michigan in Downtown Jackson. PROGRAMS 4 Year Old Preschool 1/2 Days, M-F Full Days, T, W, Th Full Days, M-F Your child must be 4 years old by September 1st and fully potty trained. Tuition Information PRESCHOOL Learn More A Great Place to Grow St. Mary Preschool provides a safe, loving, and fun environment for students to grow socially, spiritually, mentally, and physically, while developing a love for learning and respect for others. We believe that each child is uniquely designed and loved by God. Our classes are structured to encourage children to grow and learn while using many different approaches and materials. Creating the Joy of Learning Our dedicated teachers and staff specialize in early education. Days are structured through indoor and outdoor play with a range of learning activities and centers. Your child will enjoy the following: A typical day has large and small group times which include stories, group discussions, number sense activities, letter activities, activities to strengthen fine motor skills, Bible time, and free choice time. A wide variety of hands-on materials and manipulatives are used each day. Seasonal and holiday activities are enjoyed throughout the year. The Virtues, values, and lessons in our Bible stories are emphasized throughout the whole day in all of our activities. We strive to be the light and love of Jesus to others. We model and work on age appropriate problem solving skills. Preschool classes enjoy going to specials including music and PE. MWF preschoolers are paired with upper grade buddies (prayer partners). We try to do weekly activities together. Students have the privilege of participating in the Catechesis of Good Shepherd program ( and attending school Mass weekly.

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